In March, 2018 Hastings Architectural Restoration was contracted to fully restore the iconic American Institute of Pharmacy building prominently located at 2215 Constitution Avenue across from the National Mall in Washington D.C. The building, which was designed by famous architect John Russell Pope and completed in 1933, is faced entirely with Vermont marble.
Building Evaluation
We often think of marble structures as permanent and resistant to deterioration. However, the truth is over time they suffer from wear, tear and the elements just like anything else.
The American Institute of Pharmacy building was evaluated for factors such as weathering, erosion due to movement in the stone, invasive plant growth, pollution and the accumulation of dirt. Based on the evaluation, Hastings determined a restoration plan and executed upon it.
The Before and After
Before the work, the building looked like a mosaic of different shades of creams, browns and grays. Interesting, but these are classic signs that your marble is in need of restoration. The building cornice has dark almost black stains across the entire structure. The after shot is gleaming white in the sunshine.

Before: Front of building

After: Front of building
The next images show up close progress of the cleaning of the cornice on the side of the building. The before shot shows exactly how discolored the marble was. The next two images show the work in progress. The third image shows the cornice where half of it is complete and the other half isn’t. The difference is striking. The last shot shows the beautiful marble after the work is complete.

Before: Building “awning”

Work in progress

Work in progress

After: Building “awning”
Want to learn more about our marble and stone restoration services? Contact us today.